The “Beyond the Game” project, separate and apart from the film, has captured hundreds of hours of footage for use in effective and meaningful Peer to Peer Athlete Education. Seeing firsthand the tremendous need for financial literacy education, life skills, career development, transition assistance and more, we have collaborated with a great number of athletes, universities, players’ associations and others on the interviews for “Beyond the Game”. However, separate from the finished film, we are, additionally, committed to a platform of continuing education on these topics accessible by the athletes, whatever stage in life, created from the massive content of “Beyond the Game”.
Documentary filmmaking is footage intensive. Substantial footage is required to create a feature length documentary project such as “Beyond the Game”. That being said, we are committed to utilizing all of the great footage we’ve captured, maximizing the assets not used in the film, for Peer to Peer Education.
Peer to Peer education is perceived as a credible source of help; it empowers participants to help themselves; it transfers first hand knowledge; it provides learning opportunities for role-modelling; it reframes negative perceptions; and fosters personal development opportunities. Student athlete to student athlete or pro athlete to pro athlete sharing of information, mentorship and guidance is at the core of change and success.
Likewise, vetted trusted advisors, industry experts, service providers and others outside the athletes’ sport are vital to join in and support that same education of athletes-no matter what the stage: student, rookie, pro athlete, retired athlete and others choosing alternative careers outside of sports. Join us in this mission and contact us if you’d like to learn more and be a part of our Peer to Peer education initiative.